The Fruit of the Spirit – The Seed of Christ – Love – Part 2

One thing that we need to be sure and understand is that the love of God is totally different from what we think is love. As we will see, love is not just altruistic, it is much more than that.  Love is part of the character of Christ, this is what Paul wrote to Timothy, “1Tim. […]

The Fruit of the Spirit – The Seed of Christ – Love – Part 1

The apple: the apple has been used to represent love. Maybe it is because people believe that Eve ate an apple and gave it to Adam. They think that the apple was the forbidden fruit, the fruit of love. They could be right, in the sense that if the apple was that fruit, it would […]

Stewardship is not about money, it is about love – Part 3

Charles Bugg defines stewardship in the Holman Bible Dictionary as “Utilizing and managing all resources God provides for the glory of God and the betterment of His creation.” Christian Stewardship regards the obligation of Christians in managing and utilizing intelligently the gifts that God has given. As you can see, stewardship is not just about money, but it is […]

Stewardship is not about money, it is about love – Part 2

It is quite common, for people to contribute to the church just because it will help them with their taxes. Sometimes, at the end of the year people will give to the church just to get a receipt, so they can declare contributions in their taxes. Do not get me wrong, those offerings are great […]

Stewardship is not about money, it is about love – Part 1

During these times, people, churches, ministries, and organizations are doing everything that they can to get some money from their members and friends. Let me share with you a way that some of them use to get money from people. Maybe I should rephrase it in this way, “Today I am going to share with you […]

Psalm 130 – The Need to Seek the Lord – Part 3

What are your motivations to seek the Lord? It is well known that many Christians attend church mainly on two occasions – Easter and Christmas. Others would come for other special events such as Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals. How about you? What is your motivation? We also know that some people seek the Lord because […]

Small decisions that can make a big difference – Be nice to other people

We are living in a time when emotions are running high. We are seeing people exposing themselves in the worst way possible. People are just being mean. It seems that the Internet has given a megaphone to those people and now they can manifest who they really are, without the need to hide their real […]

People who missed a great opportunity to love

“I hate that person!” “I hate that group!” “I hate, I hate, I HATE!” These are the words, the feelings, and unfortunately the attitudes that we are seeing more and more nowadays. It does not matter how much we are trying to diffuse the feelings and actions, we are witnessing an increase of hate all […]